Cinereous Vulture

by Amy E Fraser
Cinereous Vulture
Amy E Fraser
Painting - Oil Pastel On Paper
The Cinereous Vulture by Amy E. Fraser. This is an expressive Old World vulture portrait in shades of black, brown, gray, buff and blue with purple eyes and a purple beak complimented with a warm gray textural background.
The cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) is a large raptor in the family Accipitridae and distributed through much of temperate Eurasia. It is also known as the Black Vulture, Monk Vulture and Eurasian Black Vulture. With a body length of 3 feet 11 inches, 10 feet across the wings and a maximum weight of 31 pounds, it is the largest Old World vulture and largest member of the Accipitridae family. The cinereous vulture is distinctly dark, with the whole body being brown excepting the pale head in adults, which is covered in fine blackish down. The skin of the head and neck is bluish-gray and a paler whitish color above the eye. The adult has brown eyes, a purplish cere, a blue-gray bill and pale blue-gray legs. The primary quills are often actually black. From a distance, flying birds can easily appear all black. The wings, with serrated leading edges, are held straight or slightly arched in flight and are broad, sometimes referred to as "barn door wings". Its flight is slow and buoyant, with deep, heavy flaps when necessary. The combination of huge size and dark coloration renders the cinereous vulture relatively distinct, especially against smaller raptors such as eagles or buzzards. The cinereous vulture is a largely solitary bird, being found alone or in pairs much more frequently than most other Old World vultures. At large carcasses or feeding sites, small groups may congregate. Such groups can include up to 12 to 20 vultures.
Amy E. Fraser’s Oil Pastel Animal Portrait series is an impassioned tribute to the beauty and magic of our beloved Animal Kingdom. Fun, gestural and energetic, these vibrant animals are painted in a stylized realism that is imbued with distinctive character and personality.
The Cinereous Vulture by Amy E. Fraser. Animal Portrait Paintings created from the artist’s intense connection to and love for all creatures great and small. Oil Pastel on archival paper. All images copyright Amy E. Fraser. All rights reserved.
February 10th, 2023